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News Releases
News releases are available here.
These documents have been translated from the Japanese originals for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between these translated documents and the Japanese originals, the originals shall prevail.
07/01/2024 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
06/14/2024 Notice Concerning Dividends in Kind of Subsidiary Shares (Share-Distribution-Type Spin-off) and Change of Specified Subsidiaries
06/14/2024 Notice Concerning Changes of Sub-subsidiaries
06/12/2024 Notice of the 38th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
06/03/2024 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
06/03/2024 Notice Concerning Dividends of Surplus (Year-End Dividends)
05/29/2024 Notice Concerning Differences Between Consolidated Earnings Forecasts and Actual Results and Differences from Non-consolidated Financial Results for the Previous Fiscal Year
05/28/2024 Notice Concerning Decision on Matters Relating to Purchase of Treasury Shares
05/17/2024 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2024
05/07/2024 Notice Concerning Recording of Extraordinary Losses (Loss on Valuation of Shares of Subsidiaries and Provision of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
03/19/2024 Notice Concerning Change in Equity-Method Associate (Share Transfer), Recording of Extraordinary Income, and Revision of Earnings Forecasts
03/18/2024 Notice Concerning Dividends of Surplus From Wholly Owned Subsidiary and Recording of Operating Income
03/14/2024 Notice Concerning Dividends of Surplus From Wholly Owned Subsidiary and Recording of Operating Income
02/26/2024 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares and Completion of Purchase Thereof
02/15/2024 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2023
02/01/2024 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
01/04/2024 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
12/01/2023 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
12/01/2023 Notice Concerning Dividends of Surplus (Interim Dividends)
12/01/2023 Notice Concerning Revisions to Full-Year Consolidated Earnings Forecasts
11/21/2023 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2023
11/01/2023 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
10/02/2023 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
09/07/2023 Notice Concerning Change in Major Shareholders (Planned)
09/01/2023 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
08/18/2023 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months Ended June 30, 2023
08/01/2023 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
07/20/2023 Notice Concerning Financial Results of Parent Company, Etc.
07/13/2023 Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholder, Etc.
07/05/2023 Notice of the 37th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
07/03/2023 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
06/14/2023 Notice Concerning Dividends of Surplus (Year-End Dividends)
06/14/2023 Notice Concerning Status of Progress Based on Plan to Meet the Continued-Listing Criteria for the Prime Market and Application for Selection of the Standard Market
06/14/2023 Notice Concerning Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
06/01/2023 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
05/18/2023 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2023
05/01/2023 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
04/26/2023 Notice Concerning Revisions to Full-Year Consolidated Earnings Forecasts
04/03/2023 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
03/27/2023 Notice Concerning Dividends of Surplus From Wholly Owned Subsidiary and Recording of Operating Income
03/17/2023 Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
03/17/2023 (Progress of Disclosed Matters) Notice Concerning Decision on Matters Relating to Purchase of Treasury Shares
03/15/2023 Notice Concerning Revisions to Full-Year Consolidated Earnings Forecasts
03/15/2023 Notice Concerning Cancellation of Treasury Shares
03/15/2023 Notice Concerning Decision on Matters Relating to Purchase of Treasury Shares
03/15/2023 Notice Concerning the Transition to a Company with Audit and Supervisory Committee
02/16/2023 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2022
02/16/2023 Notice Concerning the Start of Preparations for a Share-Distribution-Type Spin-off and the Start of Preparations for Listing the Shares of the Consolidated Subsidiary Shimadaya Corporation
11/24/2022 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2022
12/07/2022 Notice Concerning Abolition of Financial Business and Change in Consolidated Subsidiary (Share Transfer)
11/24/2022 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2022
11/24/2022 Notice Concerning Dividends of Surplus (Interim Dividends)
07/29/2022 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months Ended June 30, 2022
07/29/2022 Business Report 2022
07/08/2022 Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholder, Etc.
07/08/2022 Notice Concerning Financial Results of Parent Company, Etc.
06/13/2022 Notice of the 36th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
06/07/2022 Notice Concerning Dividends of Surplus (Year-End Dividends)
05/26/2022 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2022
05/26/2022 Notice Concerning Differences Between Consolidated Earnings Forecasts and Actual Results, Differences from Non-consolidated Financial Results for the Previous Fiscal Year and (Upward) Revisions to Year-End Dividend Forecasts
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